Your Good Works Need To Be Known

Numerous biblical references relate to good deeds done by varied individuals in Christ’ s covenant. Think of how many good deeds Jesus did that have been noted and re-noted for the past 2000 years (Mark 2:1-10; John 2:1-11; 6:1-14 etc.). Think of the giving by brethren at Antioch for the needy souls in Judea (Acts 11:27-30). Paul noted how that brethren at Philippi had sent support to him from “the first day until now” (Phil. 1:3-5; 4:14-20). Paul noted that he had personally ministered for his necessities and those who were with him (Acts 20:33f). Jesus even noted a kind hearted soul who “did what she could” for Him, adding that wherever “the gospel shall be preached throughout the whole world, that also which this woman has done shall be spoken of for a memorial of her” (Mk. 14:1-9). By the Spirit’s plan and providence, so has it been done! The Holy Spirit and biblical writers have generally done a much better job of communicating such good works than we do today!

Some good works at this congregation have been noted publicly and placed in our printed news sources:

  1. The good work done by Niecie Henderson and all her co-workers in getting care packages together for military personnel.
  2. The good work done by Bernice Farmer and her co-workers in preparing quilts as a gift and gesture when military personnel return from an extended duty assignment.
  3. The giving of Bibles or Bible-related books to graduates at varied levels of academic achievements.
  4. The Blood Drives, where many make a gift for life. Others could be listed.

However, a number of good deeds frequently are done but are generally unknown to most of the members! Just recently, funds ($500) were sent to the North Duck Church of Christ in Stillwater, Oklahoma to assist those brethren in the good work they do for brethren (and others) related to the University Center at Oklahoma State University (actually one of our young ladies-Kay Harris’ daughter-went on a mission run to India last year through that good program; a number of our young people have gone on summer mission trips to several parts of the earth in recent years, receiving $500 from the congregation—and more by varied brethren– for those mission effort); Funds ($500) were sent recently to Brother Doug Wheeler for his annual trips to Nigeria (this year he leaves in January); Funds ($500) were sent to Roger Thompson for his continued good work in helping brethren in Ukraine; Funds ($400) were sent to David Brassfield (of the Newalla congregation) for his planned trip to work for a series of meetings with the brethren in Yokota, Japan (a congregation where we gave over $1200 this past year to help them in that mission effort); While some public mention has been made of the efforts to help some 40 orphans in Russia, many members do not realize some of the Choctaw members are continuing that good work by monthly contributions in addition to what they give each Lord’s Day; Brother Jason Smith (and others who assist him) take the Lord’s Supper to Shut-ins each Lord’s Day; About one diligent dozen repeatedly give special funds to help Brother Robert George and his many workers for varied good deeds related to the International Bible Correspondence Course work carried on by this congregation: Brother Bill Farmer recently sent special funds to help some brethren in Nigeria! Thank God for such caring hearts!

There is one problem with this article. This article is too brief and this writer too limited in knowledge to properly cover all the good deeds being done by kind, caring, dedicated souls in this congregation. There may be trials and troubles here or there, but the Lord’s church is alive and active!
You are to be commended for such splendid service and for having such helping hearts!