"...For The Joy That Was Set Before Him…"

How are you handling the financial fears, the declarations of pending depression, or the worry about work? Christ’s attitude, as given in Hebrews 12:3, is astounding and so heartening: “Who for the joy that was set before Him, endured the cross.” What a paradox! The greatest love entwined with joy at the same moment of the greatest loss amidst agonizing affliction! “Greater love has no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends” (John 15:13). That is the same setting as, “My God, My God, why have You forsaken me?” (Matt. 27:46). Joy in Jesus was overriding the piercing pain and rejection of the Almighty! Such a spirit in face of such folly; such focus by faith in the Father, who was forsaking Him, all form into a foundation to withstand any trying times we may face!

How variable our outlooks on life can be. According to a newspaper report, a young lady, who committed suicide, left behind this note: “I am 21. I have seen everything worth seeing. I know everything worth knowing. I don’t like life—it’s cheap, dirty, disappointing. I’ve had all I want.” Near the same time in the same newspaper there was this account by Sir William Mulock (who served in the Canadian Parliament, had been Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Ontario), when he was being honored at the time of his 95th birthday: “I am still at work, with my hand to the plow, and my face to the future. The shadows of evening lengthen about me, but morning is in my heart. The testimony I bear is this: That the Castle of Enchantment is not yet behind me. It is before me still, and daily I catch glimpses of its battlements and towers. The best of life is always further on. Its real lure is hidden from our eyes, somewhere behind the hills of time.”

Our outlook will have a lot to do with our output. Attitude affects attainment. Christ conquered the cross by seeing converts to His commission and eternal covenant (Mark 16:15f; Hebrews 13:20f). Victory can banish vanity and vexation. In hard times, before you give up, look up! If we by faith will look ahead to streets of gold, we can handle quite well the potholes in present day pavements! A difficult day today can fade in the shadows from the glory of God’s tomorrow (Colossians 3:1-4)!