
In our everyday life, we are often so consumed in our work, finances, or even our family. These such items certainly demand our attention because they are important. But, often we spend day after day in pursuit of life to such a degree that only special occasions give us joy or a feeling of delight. Maybe it would be some special event like celebrating a birthday or an anniversary, or buying something new like a new house or car or even anticipating a special vacation that might cause us to rejoice. A few I’ve known seem to have the attitude that ”life here I am, make me happy!”

However, it seems to me that there are abundant reasons why we could and should rejoice every day. Look around you. Count your blessings. If we would start each day remembering the reasons a Christian has for rejoicing, our days can be filled with goodness even in difficult times.

Rejoicing on the part of Christians include:

Rejoicing in the Lord always (Phil. 4:4)
Rejoicing in our salvation (Acts 8:39)
Rejoicing that our names are written in heaven (Luke 10:20
Rejoicing in hope (Rom. 12:12)
Rejoice and be glad for our reward in heaven is great (Matt. 5:12)
Rejoicing for the obedience and godly conduct of our fellow Christians (Rom. 16:19)

Living a life rejoicing each day provides a rich fullness in our attitude that really benefits us. Hope you’ll grow in rejoicing each and every day.