I am always surprised when I obtain an epiphany (“an experience of sudden and striking realization”). I know it is a loose translation of my experience, but I was totally overtaken with another conformation of the magnificence of our God… a bird’s singing.
I grew up believing that most birds, maybe except for owls, slept during the nighttime hours only to awaken just before dawn to great the rising of the sun. Even though a nightowl myself, I never noticed songbirds at night until this year. There is a bird, a mockingbird, cardinal, or killdeer (we have all three), that begins to sing outside my bedroom window at midnight until dawn.
This awakening (no pun intended) led me to three possible conclusions: First, the poor bird was confused and its biological timepiece needed resetting. Secondly and very logically, the bird was courting a mate in the dark. (We all remember some who were obnoxious when they were “courting”). But it was the third and final conclusion I believe is why that little bird sings his heart out thru the night… TO REMIND ME OF GOD…even when I sleep.
Job 12:7-10…But now ask the beasts, and they will teach you; And the birds of the air, and they will tell you; Or speak to the earth, and it will teach you; And the fish of the sea will explain to you. Who among all these does not know that the hand of the LORD has done this, in whose hand is the life of every living thing, and the breath of all mankind? NKJV
So I remember to thank God for all my blessings, while my feathered friend sing the night away, and I sleep under His watch.