"Nation Impressed With Oklahoma Foot Washing"

You won’t see that headline in any news broadcast or newspaper, but Oklahoma has the attention of our nation.  Tragedies normally bring out the best and/or the worst in people.  The recent storms again have shown one of God’s teachings and Oklahoman’s have dazzled the nation with it – “foot washing”!

Commentators, reporters, and networks continue to be amazed with the “caring”, “concern” and the number of volunteers that have shown up to help in any way.  They also seemed proud to report that most of the disaster victims acknowledged God, his blessings, and the hope and confidence that they have in our Lord.  This didn’t happen in other recent violent tragedies like New York, or Massachusetts.

The Godly principle of foot washing, which Jesus taught, is simply “service”…Service to one another.  It works for Christians and non-Christian alike.  It elevates humanity in humility, while shining a small light in a dark corner of the world overcome with sin.  Non-Christians are noticing Oklahomans in service.  Jesus told his disciples to wash one another’s feet (John 13:14,15) to show their love for each other.  Jesus not only was willing to wash one’s feet, but to surrender His entire life for our sake. This should be a reminder of our purpose as Christians

It should make all Oklahomans proud to see, when their state is center stage, that the nation is impressed, even a little envious of a state who still practices a basic commandment of God – foot washing (service).  Believers and non-believers were involved in this testimonial process. The outpouring of help and aid is incredible. It honors and confirms the wisdom of God and his principles.

Thank you Lord for the opportunity to show your face to a nation that desperately needs to view it.  Amen.