Trends And The Truth
In a literal whirlwind of tornadic proportions, let’s pause to gain some perception of facts. David L. McKenna was on target when he wrote: “Having bent over backwards to separate church and state in lower schools and maintain academic freedom in higher education, modern man has filled the value vacuum with secular religion. Its creed is: man is God; reason is truth; values are relative; and means are ends.”¹
Meditate on that creed for a moment (to catch how real and factual it is): Man is God— For too many Americans, their rabid ritual is to take God out of our schools, our social activities, out of all government at the local, state and national levels. Such a trend invariably fills the vacuum with humanistic jargon, where every man does what is right in his own eyes (cf. Judges 21:25)
Reason is truth— The law of the land, rather than based on biblical principles as originally planned, promotes human rationalization to rule us, as a prelude to what will ruin us! The way that seems right to man leads to death (Prov. 16:25).
Values are relative— This opens the door for the slippery slope of sin to gradually move men from eternal regulations of right and wrong into “maybe it will get better,” or “there’s nothing we can do,” climaxing in the abominable acceptance of calling “evil good and good evil!” (Isaiah 5:20).
Means are ends — The foundation of this philosophy is that “might makes right!” If one has the Means—the power— to force one’s fellowman into slavery and subjection, in the end it is justifiable in such a brain—washed bigot! The might of man justifies—even glorifies—his mastery and meanness! This philosophy delights in domination, breeds dictators, and justifies abuses as arrogant rights! It is the core cause for abominable life styles and ultimate anarchy!
Such conduct as we have just surveyed will promote sin, sicken society, ruin religion, and destroy domestic fidelity!
How far have we surrendered to this system?? Only God knows. However, when that tornado hit Moore on Monday, May 20, 2013, leveling several educational buildings (with students and teachers inside), prayer in public schools became a coveted priority and persistent practice! Even the ACLU has been noticeably quiet in arguing against such action!
With a solemn reminder that God is the Sovereign Operator of heaven and earth, let us respectfully, sincerely, reverently bow before Him! From a stormy context in a yesterday, God said: “Give ear and hear My voice; Listen and hear My words” (Isa. 5:23). Of Jesus, He said: “This is My beloved Son, in Whom I am well pleased; hear ye Him” (Matt. 17:5). John wrote: “Whosoever goes onward and abides not in the teaching of Christ, has not God; he that abides in the teaching, the same has both the Father and of the Son” (II John v.9).
Are You abiding in His truth??
¹ Albert M. Wells, Jr., Inspiring Quotations, Thomas Nelson Publishers, Nashville, 1988,
#771, p. 62.