Honoring God's Two Directives For Marriage

Mark Sherman gives us an update on gay marriage efforts in the land (The Oklahoman, “Q&A: Supreme Court on Gay Marriage,” June 23, 2015, pg. 9A). Sherman notes, “UCLA’s Williams Institute estimates there are 390,000 married same-sex couples,” adding, “If the court finds a right to marry, another 70,000 couples living in states that do not currently permit them to wed would get married in the next three years.” If those estimates are accurate, it means that in three years we could have 460,000 fruitless marriages in the land!

If it were not a tragedy, there is almost a comical twist to the excited drive by gays to get their marital rights approved by the courts of the land. While courts and men move through stages of chaos and confusion, demands and decision making concerning who has the right to marry, and what one’s rights are if married, a major factor of Divine intent for marriage is totally ignored!

When God made them “male and female,” God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply” (Cf. Genesis 1:28). God saw it was not good for man to be alone, so He determined to give man a “helper, suitable for him,” resulting in God making “woman” (not another man), calling on man to “cleave to his wife” (a woman—Gen. 2:18-24; cf. Matthew 19:4-6).

If man is so determined to marry another man, or a woman to marry another woman, why don’t they go to court, demanding their rights to beget children? Let them step up and demand (at the State or Supreme Court level) for two men to have the right to “be fruitful” - beget children, or two women to beget children? When the law still is “What God has joined together, let not man put asunder (that is male and female—carefully read Matthew 19:4-6) - with some blaringly demanding their rights to do otherwise, let them buck God’s law also as to procreation!!

If one finds it “silly” for two men (or women) to demand their rights to beget a baby, realize that the God who gave one law (as to who can legally marry), is the same God who made it possible for two in marriage “to be fruitful.” One is as much a God-given right as the other! Let God be honored in both of His directives, which would be a blessing in the land!