The Blessings Of Brown Bag Christmas

Christmas is a busy time and the last thing we need is one more “job” to do.

But that’s exactly what we’re asking of you with our “Brown Bag Christmas” appeal - to take the time to do one more thing (two if you count decorating the bag). But this extra chore will have important results if you bring your decorated bag full of groceries to church next Sunday, December 22nd (hey, that’s three things!). For example:

You will be providing much needed groceries to those who can’t afford to buy any this year. Matthew 25:35

You will be confessing Christ with your contribution in His name. Matthew 10:32

You will be glorifying God. Matthew 5:16

You will not only be looking out for your own interests but also looking out for the interests of other. Philippians 2:4

You will be functioning in cooperation with the church in this matter. Acts 2:45

You will be building up the reputation of the church in this community. Acts 2:47

You will enjoy the satisfaction that comes from giving instead of receiving. Acts 20:35

You will be storing up treasure in heaven. Matthew 19:21

You will be encouraging other churches with the example of your generosity. 2 Corinthians 9:1-2

You will be honoring God by offering Him the first of many gifts you will give. Proverbs 3:9

With so many blessings attached to this one thing, maybe we should put this errand at the top of our “to do” list this Christmas!