Here's what a faithful brother's life would look like as seen through the eyes of the bulletin:
1924 - "Thomas Peter Johnson born June 20th weighing 7lbs. 6oz. Billy & Ruth are doing fine.
1938 - "Pete Johnson was baptized Sunday. The water at the creek was cold but all hearts rejoiced as this young man gave his life to Christ".
1948 - "…a pot-luck dinner welcoming Pete Johnson home from military service. The church rejoices at his safe return and…"
1950 - William Allen Johnson 1896-1950
1951 - "Lorraine Ruth Johnson was born to Pete and Betty Johnson…"
1969 - "The elders announced on Sunday that: Charles Akin, Pete Johnson, Larry Bernard have been appointed as deacons. Please pray for…"
1974 - Mr. & Mrs. Pete Johnson & Mr. & Mrs. Steven Gibson invite you to the wedding of their children, Lorraine and Dan, Saturday, May 5th. Ceremony will be in the church building.
1975 - Pete Johnson - Chairman of Building Committee
1977 - Tyler "Pete" Gibson and Mary Ann Gibson were born to happy but tired Lorraine and Dan early Friday…
1986 - Retirement party for Pete Johnson after Sunday pm service. Call Betty for pot luck details.
1991 - Prayers Requested Pete Johnson - complications from stroke
1995 - Address Change: Pete Johnson, Summit Ridge Nursing Home, Room 212
1998 - Thomas "Pete" Johnson 1924-1998
Memorial gifts donated to IBC
Be thou faithful until death, and I will give thee a crown of life
- Rev. 2:10