Honor to Whom it is Due

The windshield wipers couldn't keep up. It was about 10 p.m. and I was riding in the church van with Jimmy Shepherd and Bob Aldridge who was driving. We were returning from taping one of the TV programs and were caught in a terrible rainstorm. 

Bob was carefully watching for a flooded road ahead and all of us were amazed at the power of the rain that fell on us in torrents. As we followed the twisting road I remarked to the others how glad I was that Larry Barnett had changed the tires, fixed the shocks and checked the brakes on the van just weeks before our dangerous ride home.

At the time, nobody noticed or made much of Larry's quiet service of keeping the van up and running. But that dark and slippery night, we were all thankful that Larry was faithful in doing his job.

There are a lot of brothers and sisters like this saint. They do their job without fussing. They rarely complain or try to get their "say". But all of us, at one time or another benefit from these brethren who just get things done day in and day out.

Thanks Larry, for bringing us home safely.