Honor To Whom...

Recently we conducted the funeral of our dear sister Atha Harkless. Her death was quite unexpected and the funeral was set for early in the week, leaving only one full working day to care for the particulars.

At the funeral itself hundreds gathered for the service which the family planned with care. As far as a funeral was concerned it was quite detailed, with a dinner for over sixty followed by a service that included a soloist, congregational singing, and other special presentations. All in all, it was a memorable time for everyone concerned.

In the end I stood, as is the custom, and received those who filed by the casket for final viewing. Each one thanked me and commented on how beautiful everything looked, how smoothly all was done, how professionally each detail was cared for. I was happy to receive their compliments, but wanted to give honor where honor is due.

Space in this column is limited but in my estimation, there were at least twelve staff members at Eisenbour's Funeral Home and at our church office who had a hand in preparing this day. In addition to these, there were over twenty volunteers from the congregation who cooked, served, cleaned, took care of parking and managed the light and sound board.

This article is to honestly say to all of these that our guests for the funeral thought that you did a great job and I concur. Thank you each for doing your part so that when the moment came, God's word was presented without distraction or interference. You made the day special -- Atha would have been proud.