Who Knew?

Every move is forever, or so it seems. When we arrived in San Diego two and one half years ago, Lise and I were setting up for what we thought would be a long, and perhaps, final work in our ministry career. The elements were certainly in place: a great congregation with tremendous growth potential; a wonderful ministry team and staff; and, of course, the jewel of American cities, San Diego.

Who knew that God had other ideas? We certainly didn't. In the space of a few months He upended our plans and redirected our lives in a way that has left us amazed and re-energized. Instead of finishing, He has placed us at the beginning of something new. Such are His ways that in the twinkling of an eye, it seems, he can completely change your life and create an entirely new future for you. Who knew?

Someone told me that he admired Lise and I for the risk that we were taking, going into mission work at this time in our lives. This was kind of them to say and comforting to some part of my ego, but the truth of the matter is that there is no risk here, no bravery on our part. We have been blessed! Like couples who discover they are pregnant late in life, our blessing may cause some aches and pains in adjusting ourselves to the young man's task of mission work, but make no mistake, we have been blessed. Our great gift from the Lord is the opportunity of doing again the work of our youth but now from the perspective of experience and a measure of spiritual wisdom.

Some use the saying, "You can never go home again," as a way of expressing the idea that you can't turn back time, or you can't change the past or find things as they were. This is true with humans but with God, all things are possible. Even sending middle-aged people back in time to rebuild the church of their youth becomes a reality for the God who is never limited by time. Who knew?