Church Rules!

My little buddy, Jacob Foster, gives me some of his Bible class drawings from time to time. They are the images of a happy seven-year-old who has lived his entire life within the loving circle of the Choctaw congregation. Pictures of the cross or people traveling to services are eagerly pressed into my hands after worship. With his beaming smile and a sincere, "Here Michael, I made this for you." Jacob happily offers me his precious work on a regular basis.

Last week, he made me a small poster with the simple words, "Church Rules!", "echoing" the affirmation that young people use when they enthusiastically support someone or something (i.e. Dallas Cowboys rule; or Zelda rules).

It seems that Jacob feels that way about his church experience … that nothing can be better, no other experience tops this one.

Jesus said that such uninhibited praise often comes from the mouths of children (Matthew 21:16) and little Jacob is a wonderful example of this in our own church family. Wouldn't it be wonderful if we all felt the same way? That instead of nursing slights and offenses, instead of grumbling because our will is not being done, we could happily shout, "Church Rules!" along with all the children that gleefully run through our corridors?

I'm thankful to my young friend for reminding me that regardless of the effort and hassles that come with church work, it's still the best task of all and most worthy object of my efforts. Amen, Jacob, you have said well, "Church Rules!" and I hope it always will in all of our hearts.