When you have an infection possibility, what do you do? If you step on a nail you seek medical attention and most likely a tetanus shot. A cut or scrape deserves at least some Neosporin and a Band-Aid to help protect from infection. We get it about our bodies and infections, but what about our spiritual infections?
Satan is THE INFECTION to our soul, period! He will look for the tiniest scratch or opening to enter and contaminate your soul and mine. He makes us "ill" with temptation and "sick" with sin. If Satan's infection is not dealt with and treated properly...it will eventually be fatal. He is focused on killing our souls.
Thankfully, Jesus, who identified Himself as (The Great) Physician, is there for our prevention and cure of the great infection directed toward our soul.
There is a wall plaque in the bathroom of my daughter's home which reads: "Wash your hands and say your prayers, 'cause Jesus and germs are everywhere."
We need to be as alert for our spiritual health. Our antibiotic to "Satanic infection" is God's Word. Read it. Take it in for it is the prevention and cure for all spiritual ills. See your "doctor" - Jesus, everyday in prayer. Fight the "infection" with Jesus and the word. These are our spiritual prescriptions and we need to continue to follow as directed. Satan makes infection very contagious and will kill you...beware of the his infection.