Why do you take on a challenge? Maybe you want to prove to others you can do it, maybe you want to prove to yourself you can do it. You might take on a challenge to for the feeling of accomplishment or to check something of a “bucket list”. But maybe you take on a challenge to help yourself grow in that endeavor or to learn a new set of skills that will benefit you in the future.
This week we will finish up the 30 Day Challenge of reading through the New Testament during the month of April. I hope you joined us in this challenge and if you got behind or were unable to finish, I hope you’ll take it back up and continue on your own.
So why did you accept this 30 Day Challenge? Maybe you want to stretch yourself, maybe you wanted to see if you could do it, maybe you hadn’t done any regular Bible study in awhile and you needed something to motivate you. Whatever your reason was I hope this month has been a blessing to you. I want to encourage you that this challenge not be a one-time event, but that you’ll continue to read your Bible. Consider reading through the New Testament again, but maybe in a different translation, read through a book and look for keywords that appear often in a text, or take on another challenge.
The congregation who organized the schedule that we took part in, has a website with other challenges that you can work your way through. (See below for website). The 30 Day Challenge ends this week, but we’ve got a new challenge for you…continue to be a student of the Bible by reading it regularly. We hope you’ll take this challenge and be willing to accept it.
“All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work.”
(II Timothy 3:16-17)