The September 11, 2016 Parade poll presented 25 responses of prominent—well known—U.S. citizens, finishing out the lead line of “If I Were President…” Parade gave a summary of 6,500 polled without specific percentage (from the largest to the smallest) given on their “pie chart.” The National emphasis was charted over 6 areas: “Economic Growth; Health care; Defense; Immigration; Gun Laws” (p.9).
1. Government (Know the Constitution; Immigration issue; Stop terrorism) 7
2. Work Patterns (Dedication in work; Education; School needs) 7
3. Material Gain (Finances, etc.) 6
4. Physical Needs (Health Care; Environment; Medical Expense) 6
5. Leadership (Needed Development; Issue Awareness: Skills Applied) 3
6. Pleasure (Less work per week; Laughter, etc.) 2
Of the 25 prominent people quoted by Parade, I have sought to break down their responses under 6 headings. In some cases a response was listed under 2 of the 6 headings, so that I noted 31 responses by the 25 individuals. Also, the number who gave a given emphasis will be supplied (below) with each listed heading. Those 6 points of emphasis were:
If we notice the emphasis from the “pie chart” of the 6,500 polled, or observe the quoted responses from the 25 well known citizens in our country, two factors are worthy of observation:
1. There are repeated parallels between the 6,500 polled and the 25 individual quotes. That would indicate a general consensus projected of what the United States mind set or emphasis really is!
2. The most sobering fact is that God, Christ, and the Word of God are not mentioned or hinted at as to moral, ethical or spiritual principles being needed in the land. That shouts out that “this nation under God” as a “government of the people, for the people and by the people” seems to have lost sight of its Real Leader! “In God We Trust,” as on our coins, needs to be in the heads and hearts of leaders!
There is a critical need for a re-birth of the “new birth” (John 3:3-5; Mark 16:15f; Galatians 3:26f: Ephesians 5:25-27), and ears to hear the One who has “all authority in heaven and on earth’ (Matt. 28:18-20), as He urges “Seek first His Kingdom, and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you” (Matt. 6:33). Unless His moral and ethical principles govern and guide our leaders (Rom. 13:1-8; Col. 3:17), this nation—any nation—is destined to perish from the earth (Note Dan. 5:16-21; Jer. 9:12,13; Is. 60:12). A poll without His principles presents a country with a fickle foundation!