Ladies and Gentlemen, CONGRATULATIONS on completing your childhood! You are now ready to cross that threshold of adulthood called "Independence". You now will be in charge of your life, right? You will no longer have to be under someone else's thumb. You will be free to make as many of your own decisions as you choose. That's a good and yet scary thing. We are proud of you and pray you will make good choices in life and religion. Which brings me to the point of this writing...CAUTION - You are entering possibly the most dangerous time of your life. Now is the time where YOU DECIDE whether or not you will become or remain a Christian. Satan will be testing you in every area possible: your job, your work ethics, morality, school ethics, and especially YOUR FAITH! This is where your newly acquired liberties can cost you for eternity. You are now in control of your religion. No one is going to make you: go to church; to read your Bible; to pray; or maintain your morality and purity. It will be up to YOU to decide. Your life is quickly and exclusively becoming your total responsibility. You will have innumerable amounts of choices to be made by yourself... the company you keep, the activities in which you indulge, etc. I'm just reminding you that living for Jesus, and obeying God's word is the most successful thing you will ever do...and the most rewarding. No job, no power, no money can equal the promise of Heaven to You. Many, many Seniors not only leave home after graduation, but also leave their God and their relationship to Him. I pray that you will not be one of them. Keep the faith, resist the Devil (James 4:7) ... you are now responsible. May God pour upon you the richest of blessings in your future.
An Open Letter to Our Church of Christ Graduating Seniors