Guest Speaker Bio

Dave Laton has more than 40 years’ experience developing and managing education and training for business and industry, governmental agencies, academic institutions, and congregations of the churches of Christ. Dave holds degrees in education administration, business management, adult education, and a Doctor of Ministry in Religious Education Leadership. He is currently serving the deacon for missions for the Prattville Church of Christ, Prattville, Alabama. Dave and his wife Lynne are members of National Evangelism With Sojourners. He is currently serving Sojourners as a Co-Director for Sojourners responsible for policies, procedures, and guidelines.

Dr. Laton also provides teacher training guides and advanced student notes for each lesson in the various series and will be teaching a series entitled “Twelve Were Chosen: A Study of the Original Apostles” starting in June on the website.

Dr. Laton will be teaching our Sunday morning class this morning and preaching the morning sermon entitled, “Finishing Strong.” We look forward to learning what Dr. Laton can teach us this morning. Please make sure to meet and welcome Dr. Laton.