Reaching Out With the Gospel in Our Area

Matthew 28:18-20 instructs us to: go make disciples, baptizing them, teaching them to observe all Jesus commanded. What were those who were taught to do? The same instructions. It continues through each generation, So, it’s ours also today. Jesus said, “I am with you always to the end of the age.” Repeating those instructions must also include our local area as well.

Our plan: Marty has prepared and will present personal Bible study methods and materials that will equip each one of us with the capability to study with another person. The Bible class study will be presented each Wednesday for approximately five weeks. I encourage each member to take advantage of this opportunity , if possible, to learn and prepare.

Additionally, we will be providing in each family’s mail folder, a different Bible related tract each week for four weeks. WE encourage each family member to read the tract and pass it on to a friend or another family. These Bible related tracts can be used to build Bible study possibilities with others.

Also, we will be trying to put together special events that give oppurtunity to reach out to others. Bring a friend Sunday, Everyone Present Sundau, and Each One Reach One (maybe a month-long effort).

And a final suggestion, our reaching out effort cane be enhanced by spending two or three minutes after each worship service to look for and visit with someone you do not know. I believe the possibilities are great if we try.