Rebuilding the Lord's Church at Choctaw

As we look to the future for the Lord’s church family, it is very important that part of our effort should be “Rebuilding the Church.” The virus has caused us so much difficulty as a family. Some things have changed. A few families have left for another congregation, or moved away, or become elderly and unable to regularly attend worship services or become shut-in, and even a few faithful members have passed away. We don’t know about tomorrow but our Lord is with us. So, it seems really important to rebuild as best we can. That includes updating our membership records so no one is forgotten.

To try to get these records updated, the following is our plan:

  • Every family is asked each week to complete a welcome card. We are thankful for everyone present at the worship services and we are also very interested in knowing who is not attending.
  • Shepherds will be trying to contact everyone attending to try to encourage them. There may be good reasons but there may also not be any, things change, members need encouraging.

We’re also asking every member to help us contact and encourage those not attending.

Everyone is important and we need to work as a team (shepherds and members) to make sure everyone knows we really care about them and their faithfulness to the Lord.

Rebuilding the church is very important as we recover from the pandemic.

The goal of this effort is for every member of the church family to be present at all the services so we all can continue to learn to faithfully serve and honor our Lord Jesus Christ. That’s why we have Bible classes and worship services.