Church, I Need Your Feedback!

As the associate minister, I am responsible for the adult education here at Choctaw. It’s a role that I believe is crucial for the health and growth of a congregation and I take it very seriously. I want to provide all of you with classes that help you grow more into the image of Jesus. The goal of teaching is not to simply inform you, but transform you! If teaching doesn’t help you change, it isn’t accomplishing the goal.

“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.” - Romans 12:2

I want to provide the best classes we possibly can and in order to do so, I’d love your feedback. Here are a few questions to consider:

What topics, themes, or questions do you believe are relevant and needed in your life right now?

What type of class helps you learn best? Is it lecture, discussion, a round table with multiple teachers, or something else?

Are there mediums we aren’t using that you believe would help you learn better? (Examples: video, different visual aids, etc).

Parents, what practical questions or issues are you asking or dealing with right now? I have been thinking about putting together a practical parenting class just for you.

Married, would you be interested in a married class where we deal with practical issues of every day married life?

Do you like classes being in 13 week quarters or would you like to see some classes with shorter or longer options?

If you would think about these questions and send your answers to me through a text, email, letter, or in person, I would greatly appreciate it. If you have any other ideas or feedback regarding classes, please let me know. I want to help you grow and I want to know how we can make our Bible classes the best they can be.