Jesus and the Mandalorian

"If you want to experience the life of Jesus, you must adopt the lifestyle of Jesus.”

I came across this line in my reading this week and in true preacher fashion I let out an audible, “wow.” It’s obvious, yet I’m not sure I’ve ever thought of it that way. We look at the life of Jesus, see a man who is full of peace, love, mercy, and assurance, and we want that. We see His life bearing fruit in numerous ways with limitless people, and we want that. We desire to experience that life; to be filled and to fill others. When Jesus asked others to follow Him (Matt 4:19, 9:9; John 1:43), He wasn’t asking them to simply come hear what His beliefs were or learn the plan of salvation. Jesus was saying, “come watch how I live and then live this way.” What if God gave us four gospels to learn the lifestyle of Jesus, not only know His story? Jesus is the way to the Father (John 14:6). He also has a way about Him, a lifestyle. My encouragement to you is to read through the gospels this week. As you read them, ask yourself, “what is Jesus’ lifestyle?” As you learn how Jesus lived, apply that to your own life. It might cause you to…

Slow down.


Spend more time in a quiet place.

Seek His kingdom.

See people as a priority.

You might be familiar with the Star Wars hit show on Disney Plus, “The Mandalorian.” “Mando” (and all Mandalorians) has a code he lives by and a way of life he follows. Throughout the show you hear one line repeatedly, “this is the way.” Jesus had a way and He is asking us to follow Him on that path. Learn what His lifestyle was and make it your own. Because if you want to experience the life of Jesus, you must adopt the lifestyle of Jesus.