Important Quotes on Christianity & the Christian

“A genuine Christian is the best evidence of the genuineness of Christianity.”

“The true expression of Christianity is not a sigh, but a song.”

“Christianity is a ‘roll up your sleeves’ religion.”

“Satan is perfectly willing to have a person confess Christ as long as they do not practice his teachings. “

“The better we understand Christianity, the less satisfied we are in our practice of it.”

“Christ was a child who knew more than his parents, yet he obeyed them.”

“When tempers grow hot, Christianity grows cold.”

“Christianity helps us face the music, especially when we don’t like the tune.”

“The spirit of Christianity is not to impose some kind of creed, but to share a life.”

“No one becomes a Christian on their own terms.”

“To feel sorry for the needy is not the mark of a Christian, to help them is.”

“The Christian who is pulling at the oars does not have time to rock the boat.”

“Christians may not see eye to eye, but they can walk arm in arm.”

“Every Christian occupies some kind of pulpit and preaches some sort of sermon every day.”