February 26th, 2025, Pew Research published findings of the Religious Landscape Study of U.S. Adults. This study took place between July 17, 2023 & March 4, 2024, and what they did was ask adults about different religious practices. This is what they found:
- 33% of U.S. adults often or always say grace before a meal.
- 29% read scripture daily.
- 28% read other texts like devotionals or inspirational literature monthly.
- 19% participate in prayer groups, scripture study groups or religious educational groups monthly.
- 18% share their views about religion with people of different religious backgrounds.
The most interesting, and perhaps the most alarming, are who they found to be the most dedicated in all of these religious practices; a group of people who believe the bible has errors in it, it must not be taken literally and to fully understand it, it must be complemented by another book written by an uninspired man. The Latter-Day Saints or Mormons.
The study shows 73% of Mormons pray daily, 59% read scriptures once a week, 48% read extra-biblical literature once a week, 68% say grace before meals, 45% participate in bible studies outside of weekly services, and 20% share their beliefs with other religious people once a month.
Let’s compare these percentages to the Protestant’s (Church of Christ is categorized as “Conservative Protestant” in religious research): 72% pray daily, 51% read scripture weekly, 39% read extra-biblical literature once a week, 58% say grace before meals, 30% participate in bible studies outside of weekly services, and 15% share their beliefs with other religious people once a month.
Now, I understand that Pew research did not come to Choctaw church of Christ and conduct this study and I’m not trying to create an “us vs them” mentality. What I’m simply trying to point out is that according to the research in the U.S., those who do not believe in the truth are outperforming those with the truth in every category. This is a problem; and it cannot be solved by a program or an announcement. The study group asked individuals and so, the answer to the problem lies within the individual.
This week I challenge us to not be a statistic. May we not let these numbers reign true in our everyday walk with the Lord. May we be Christians that give 100% according to the faith we have in The Truth, as often as we can.