Random Blessings

Sometimes God surprises us. Not just with big things but with random blessings that sprinkle our day with evidence of His constant love and incredible kindness towards us. Here are a few random blessings that immediately come to mind. 

1. The sweet smell of newly mowed grass floating into your car as you drive by on a cloudless summer day.

2. An unexpected apology from an estranged friend.

3. A magnificent rainbow after an afternoon rain.

4. Fresh linen on a comfortable bed.

5. The smell of the forest in the early morning.

6. The first glimpse of a new grandchild.

7. Welcoming a loved one home from war.

8. Watching God answer your prayer.

9. Receiving a compliment or hug you weren't expecting.

10. Finding your soul mate.

11. Witnessing your child succeed.

12. Having an opportunity to share your faith.

With the speed of our daily lives and the constant barrage of bad or negative news in the air it's easy to overlook the wonderful blessings that come our way each day. But if we pause for a moment we'll be able to identify not only the great gifts of salvation and eternal life God gives us in Christ, we'll also see those daily random blessings that He bestows as a reminder of His great tenderness towards His children.

13. Your doctor calls to tell you that your test came back o.k.

14. Your turn ___________________________________.

Source: bibletalk.tv/random-blessings