An astronomer was observing the setting sun. His telescope suddenly brought into view a hill seven miles away where two boys could be clearly seen stealing apples. It was obvious by their actions that one boy was stealing the fruit, while the other boy was “keeping watch.” The humor or the tragedy of the entire event was that they assumed they were successful stealers, when to Professor Mitchell their sinful thievery was as obvious as an event performed before the noonday sun!
Equally tragic-or humorous-is the human mindset that tends to make thieves, story tell-ers, liars, seducers, deceivers, cover-up artists, plotters, hypocrites, pretenders, or escape artists of us all! It is tragic that we are deceived by the Devil to do such deeds, and humorous to think we can get away with it! The writer of Hebrews was crystal clear relative to such shenanigans, when he wrote: “And there is no creature hidden from His sight, but all things are naked and open to the eyes of Him to whom we must give an account” (Heb. 4:13 NKJ).
Technically, those two boys were not obligated to give an account to the observing eyes of Professor Mitchell, but You and I are definitely destined to give and account to the all-seeing eyes of God (Rom.14:11f). It is unknown how many will read this article, but how many of you have engaged in some of the descriptive adjectives given above?? A deed done in the dark, so as not to be seen? A pressure moment with “cover-up comments?” An attempt to get the forbidden without others knowing it? Responding with an answer of half-truths(?) A dodging deed to avoid facing the facts?-or other undesirable, incriminating conduct??
The Devil delights to get disciples of the Lord into a corner of “cover-up conduct!” The temptation is heavy, and often, to “wiggle in the wrong!” The largest and most deceptive mental moment is the conclusion, “I can get away with it!”—when an all-seeing eye is watching and attaching that observation to our record! Jesus solemnly said: ”There is nothing covered up, that shall not be revealed; and hid, that shall not be known” (Luke 12:2).
How appropriated then are the questions in the song by Vana R. Raye:
“Where livest thou? In pleasures of the world?
Or in that realm whence Satan‘s darts have hurled?
Choose now to follow with the sons of God;
Far better this than were the great have trod.
Where livest thou? Thee is a place to stay-
Tis in the Christ, the true and living way!
Within His kingdom labor while you may;
Hear what He says, in loyal trust obey.”¹
Christ still can save from any sin (Heb.7:25;5:8f). However, be sure you submit to Truth, not a trick; avoid replacing true conversion for a cover-up (Acts 2:38, James 5:16;Acts 8:18-24)!
¹Alton H. Howard, Songs of the Church, Howard Publishers, West Monroe, Louisiana, 1977, #341.