Back to Bible Class

Sunday, December 5th will mark the beginning of the new quarter for our Bible Class program. The insert included in the last Sunday announcement sheet lists the new classes and their location. We owe a debt of thanks to those brothers and sisters who serve this congregation in the education ministry. Let's support their efforts in the following ways:

1. Be There

The church meets for study, worship, and fellowship. There is no distinction between “necessary" and “unnecessary" parts of the experience. Neglecting study is as serious as neglecting communion.

2. Be With Someone When You're There

Bible Class is the best time to have fellowship and to get to know your church family. Take advantage of the time to meet new brothers and sisters and grow in the love of Christ for each other. If you feel “left out," Bible Class is the best way to find your way “in" to the group.

3. Be Happy When You're There

Bible study isn't suppose to be a chore. Getting up early, preparing the family — these things may be inconvenient but if they're done to please and serve the Lord they can become sacrifices of joy. Be happy that we've been called upon to do so little for the one who's done so much for us.

Let's get back to the basics of Christian life and growth, let's get back to Bible school!