The word “love” is used nearly 200 times in the New Testament. It describes one of the most basic fundamentals of the individual’s Christian faith. It is easy to “say” that “I am a loving person” but in reality the Apostle Paul gives us some specific characteristics of love that can and should be demonstrated in our lives.
1 Corinthians 13:4-7
4Love is patient: this refers to a quality that one does not seek revenge towards another when wronged, even when he has the power to do.
love is kind: is sweet and considerate to others, is not rude.
is not jealous: does not jealously desire what another has or something that he does not have.
love does not brag and is not arrogant: does not boast nor is puffed up with pride.
5does not act unbecomingly: does not act with rudeness, is courteous to others.
it does not seek its own: does not insist on its rights, seeks the best interests of others, is unselfish.
is not provoked: not easily angered.
does not take into account a wrong suffered: keeps no record of wrongs.
6does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth: is never glad to see wrongs done, but always glad when truth prevails.
7bears all things: endures wrongs without complaint.
believes all things: looks for the best in others, does not jump to evil conclusions.
hopes all things: is optimistic rather that pessimistic, there are no hopeless situations.
endures all things: does not become bitter or resentful because of what happens but seeks to overcome.
Well, to me, these characteristics of love as Christ intended are a challenge. They take effort and determination if they become a standard in our lives. However, we can usually do what we want to do. I hope that we are all growing in Christ as we live each day and growing in love.