Consider the “Lowly Battery”

Consider the lowly battery. They produce work by causing electrons to flow from itself through a conductor into something else. You can’t see the electrons as they move, but you can verify the movement by whatever is connected to the battery. If , when it performs its function, then we know the battery is charged and empowering whatever it is connected to.

Today’s lineup of batteries includes all sizes and types. A, AA, AAA, 3 volt, 9 volt, 12 volt, etc. There are zinc batteries, alkaline batteries, lithium batteries, wet cells, dry cells, just to name a few. Each one specially equipped for whatever uses it was called or designed for. Many time they are connected together and in cooperation they are capable of incredible feats, from giving us light to powering cars and planes. Batteries: remarkable little creations when you think about it.

The thought occurred to me that you could think of Christians being like batteries.

1. Christians, like batteries, work best when fully charged with energy, (the spirit of Christ, and the power of the gospel.)

2. “Greatness and ability” in Christians, like batteries, is not measured by what is seen, but by the unseen power within.

3. Christians, like batteries, are versatile and have a variety of purposes.

4. Christians, like batteries, can work on their own or join forces with others. Usually, the more working together, the stronger the force.

5. Christians, like batteries, will eventually die from lack of usage.

6. Christians, like batteries need recharging or else they will loose their power and be replaced.

7. Christians, like batteries, are useless without a charge. (Jesus gave us our charge, love God and our brothers, and the “great commission”- (Mk 16:15)

8. Christians, unlike batteries, may choose to work or not work.

9. Christians, unlike batteries, will face a judge one day to see if they have at least provided some light in their world.

10. Christians, unlike batteries, gather their power spiritually, not electrically.

God expects Christians to use the power (God’s Spirit within us) to change our lives and the lives of others…or, like the battery on the shelf, we will “go dead”. Permanently!

Consider the lowly battery…