When selecting servants who keep watch over your souls (Heb. 13:17), the Holy Spirit’s divine directives are quite succinct and sobering. When the apostles called for brethren to select men for special service in that first congregation, they gave qualifications (seven men of good reputation, full of the Spirit and wisdom), plus the sobering charge, “look out...from among yourselves” (Acts 6:3 AS). It has been wisely observed that if you don’t look out you better look out! An indifferent, casual selection of brethren for special responsibility and service can set the stage for complications and consternation! “Look out” (Gk. Episkepsasthe is a 2nd person, plural, imperative verb from episkeptomai) means “to look upon…to inspect, examine with the eyes.. in order to see how he is, i.e. to visit, go see one..have a care for..to look (about) for..one to choose, employ..Acts 6:3..” ¹ Since this is an imperative, with distinct demands by the definition, a lackadaisical listing or selection of souls to serve would not fulfill this assignment! Paul’s divine directions to Timothy add even more soberness to the selecting process. In a context dealing with elders (1Timothy 5:17-22), Paul reminds Timothy, with a solemn charge that these proceedings are done “in the sight of God, Christ Jesus and the elect angels” (v.21). Therefore, as selections are made, realize this Divine trio will be watching over your shoulder! Paul gave one positive and one negative guideline to follow. The negative charge was to observe (AS: Gk. Phulasso— “...guard, take care not to violate” - J.H. Thayer, p.659f) these things “without prejudice” (Gk.prokrima— “..an opinion formed before the facts are known, a pre-judgment, a prejudice” —J.H. Thayer, p.540). This charge obeyed would assure no one would be eliminated by my or your feelings without facts! This selecting process must be by the Holy Spirit's qualifications (cf. 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1, etc.), not by human qualms and quirks! The positive charge was to observe these things, “doing nothing by partiality” (Gk. Prosklisis— “...an inclination or proclivity of mind, a joining the party of one.. led by partiality” ; prosklino— “to incline towards one, lean to his side or party..to join one’s self to one” J.H. Thayer, p. 547). This charge would eliminate any chance for our personal feelings to guide or govern above the Lord’s Precepts! This is no time for a clique to form, for party preference, of “he’s a good ole boy” to dictate who tends the flock of God (Acts 20:28). The fact someone’s personality profile may be more like yours or mine is not to be the governing guide. The Spirit’s Scripture guides in the selection process. The guidelines are not long, but so sobering. Look out, doing nothing by prejudice or partiality, as God, Jesus Christ, and the elect angels look on! That should forever sober souls, who are selecting other souls to watch in behalf of their souls! ——--————- ¹J.H. Thayer, Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament, Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1966, p.242.