Hosted by the Barnes Church of Christ
Loving God and Your Neighbor
Friday, April 4th
7:00pm Love the Lord Your God
Christian Franklin - Newcastle Heights Church of Christ
8:00pm Love Your Neighbor As Yourself
Chase Green - Marietta Church of Christ
Saturday, April 5th
9:30am Love of the Truth
Lance Huntsman - Stonewall Church of Christ
10:30am Speaking the Truth in Love
Chris Hill - Luther Church of Christ
11:30am Congregational Singing
12:00pm Lunch
1:00pm Rayavaram Pistis Bible School Report
Tatapudi Kishorkumar - Andhra Pradesh, S. India (tentative)
1:30pm Husbands, Love Your Wives
Keno Shrum - Coweta Church of Christ
Ladies Only: Teaching Them to Love Their Husbands
Kellie Hudson - Southwest Church of Christ (Ada)
2:30pm Love the Brotherhood
Steve Harbison - 4th and Jackson Church of Christ (Hugo)
Ladies Only: Teaching Them to Love Their Children
Julie Rennaker - Sterling Church of Christ
3:30pm “If I Have Not Love….” 1 Cor. 13:1-3
James Rennaker - Sterling Church of Christ
Sunday, April 6th
9:30am Love Your Enemies
Tommy Haynes - Moore Central Church of Christ
10:30am “Love Is….” 1 Cor. 13:4-8a
Jamie Beller - The Gospel of Christ
11:45am Congregational Singing
12:00pm Lunch
1:30pm “For God So Loved…..”
Tatapudi Kishorkumar - Andhra Pradesh, S. India (tentative)
For Lectureship Info call: (405) 517-2015
Meals & Refreshments:
provided by the ladies
of the Barnes church
Oklahoma City School
of Biblical Studies
(via Skype)
Marion R. Fox, Director
Chris Hill, Instructor
Gary Henson, Instructor
For school info call:
(405) 831-4011