Various seminars and special talks we've hosted over the years.

My Life as a Christian Cop

C.R.A.S.E. Training Workshop

Disaster Relief Ministry Meeting

Q&A with Brandon Blankenship

What is EEM? - Ben Mereness

Church Work in Haiti

Elders Puppet Show

Area Wide Teen Gathering

Kindergarten Bible Presentation - 2016

Internet Safety Workshop

Senior Slideshow 2016

Area Wide Teen Gathering (AWTG)

Kindergarten Bible Presentation - 2015

Graduates 2015

Choctaw Church of Christ - Budget Challenge 2015

Area Wide Worship Service - January 1st, 2014

Thanksgiving Service

Haiti Presentation

Truth for Today Presentation

Veteran's Day Ceremony 2012

How to respond to Evolutionists

How does the theory of Evolution continue to spread?

How do Evolutionist respond to Creation?

What is the difference between adaption and evolution?

Evolution Q&A - How does a Dog turn into a Whale?