Are You Leaving Your Lights Up?

Christmas is over.  Homes and businesses previously decorated with bright and cheery holiday lighting are all taking those lights down again. 

What about you and me?  Jesus was speaking to people just like us when he said to them, “You are the light of the world” (Matthew 5:14-16).  He defined their “light” as good works that they could do that would bring glory to God.  What sort of good works do you suppose he had in mind?

The kinds of things he would later say that the saved did were feeding hungry people, giving drink to the thirsty, visiting those in prison, taking care of sick folks, clothing those who were naked, being hospitable to strangers and the like (see Matthew 25:31-40 on this).  These are not the big headline catching actions we might expect, but rather simple, everyday kindnesses that cannot be purchased with money.  The kinds of things everyone is capable of doing.  The kinds of things you and I can do.
Almost 2800 years ago, God’s prophet, Micah informed Israel:
     He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?
The message is simple, yet infinitely profound.  No other course will bring more peace to you or to those whose lives yours impacts.  No other way of living even comes close to being as worthy of your attention and efforts as this succinct piece of wisdom.
Others are taking their lights down with the changing seasons and that’s ok.  Those lights are just decorations anyway.  I encourage you, however, to keep your light shining bright.  Nothing will do you, your family or even your country more good.