Articles by Marty Kessler
To all you Bible scholars out there, keep up the good work. Please keep on digging deep into the word of God and revealing the insights you find there. We need those to see God & his majesty ever more clearly. Always value scholarship! I am convinced, however, that God has not provided the written revelation of his word merely for those gifted with scholastic abilities. Jesus said, “I praise You, ...
In Romans 3, Jesus’ apostle Paul shows with devastating clarity the “fallenness” of man. A few excerpts are: “None are righteous, not even one There are none who understand There are none who seek for God Their throat is an open grave There is no fear of God before their eyes” You get the picture. In chapter 7 (14-19) he makes it personal. More excerpts….. “…..but I am of flesh, sold into bondage ...
What shape is the body in here at Choctaw?Folks train for years to specialize in caring for nearly every part of the human body. That’s because every part is important to the body’s health and efficiency. The Lord’s church is no different.If your vision gets blurry, you see an optometrist to get some glasses. The dreaded visit to the dentist is necessary when a tooth is the problem. Dermatologists...
What do you believe about Jesus? (Are you ready to meet him someday?) How are you and the Lord doing? Where do you “go to church”? Do you read the Bible? Do you believe what it says about the resurrection? Do you believe there is a day of judgment coming? Do you believe in life after death? Do you believe this life is all there is? Do you believe you will be with God when you die? What do you beli...
Simply put, it is when God provides. The fact of God’s provision is written into the first verse of the Bible when Genesis says, “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth”. He provided for our physical needs before he made the first man and woman. More importantly, the balance of the book is the story of how God provided his own Son for our spiritual needs. God’s providence is abund...
“I will never again curse the ground because of man, for the intention of man’s heart is evil from his youth”, - Genesis 8:21 Just two things about this passage. #1) What it tells us about ourselvesThe intention of our hearts is evil, and this begins at a young age. Wowser. You know yourself. You know the constant mental corrections you must make to do what is right. Firstly, because we don’t...
We wanted to take a moment to express our deepest gratitude for the incredible support you provided following the tornado. Your volunteer’s efforts to remove debris from property were truly a blessing. Not only did your team work tirelessly to clear the damage, but their compassion and willingness to step in during such a difficult time brought a sense of peace and hope. Your actions have made a l...
Early in Israel’s history was a period when God raised up men (and a woman) to deliver them from their enemies. They were called judges. Samson was the only judge announced to his parents by the angel of the Lord. In other cases, God chose an individual to do his will, but in this case, he gave a previously barren woman a child who would become a great deliverer of Israel (Judges 13:1-5) against t...
God gave man dominion over the creation in the beginning (see Genesis 1:26-28). This leads me to believe that God designed man with a good inclination to assume dominion over himself and his environment constructively and deliberately. Then came the fall, after which the fleshly part of man’s being caused man to focus on his own will, rather than God’s. We call it “ego”. So now from a very young a...
What the Holy Spirit had Bible writers put down in words is priceless. Sometimes, however, what he has not had them to write is also very revealing. Pentecost, for example. Peter testified about how Jesus was proven to be the Messiah by miracles, wonders and signs and how he was rejected and put to death, but resurrected the third day. When he concluded by saying that God made this one they ...
Your life here will never be completely right. Disease and sickness will persist. Natural disasters will not be brought under control. People will continue to be weak in character and morals and strong on self-will and ego. Loved ones will die and friends will disappoint. Sometimes, we will be the ones who disappoint, even when it is not our intention. No matter. Actually, it is only in faci...
What is there about my life that would make Jesus seem attractive to other people? Can we offer them a smile, perhaps? Never underestimate the impact of a smile. Jesus told his apostles to be of good cheer (John 16:33) even in the face of trouble. If we do not have reason to smile because of Jesus, who does? Sure, this world has plenty of troubles and it shares them generously with you and me. But...
I believe Genesis 26:26-31 is the first Biblical record of solidifying a covenant with a shared meal. Isaac and king Abimelech had been at odds with each other, but the king saw that God was with Isaac and so sought to make peace. Abimelech prepared a feast for the occasion and then the two exchanged vows of peace. A few chapters later (Genesis 31:43-54) we see Laban suing for peace with Jacob his...
Jesus & his disciples were in a boat on the sea of Galilee. While Jesus was taking a nap (setting for us one of my favorite examples of Godly behavior) a violent storm arose and scared the disciples into thinking they were about to die (Matthew 8:23-27, Mark 4:35-41 and Luke 8:22-25). In their fear, they woke Jesus up asking him to save them. With a word of rebuke he calmed the storm and then aske...
Happiness is a state mind we can either choose or reject. Blessedness however, is a state of being conferred by God and is not dependent on how we feel. To see the difference between being blessed and being happy, just consider the behavior of the Israelites in ancient times. They cried out to God (Exodus 2:23-3:9) and hearing their cries he freed them from slavery. What a blessing, right? Well……....
One of the most obvious places where our devotion to Jesus should be apparent is our place of worship & Bible study. Well over two hundred of us meet here and we have several meetings each week. Things can get messy, but you & I can easily do something about that. “Somebody” needs to put my songbook back in the rack. There are upwards of 170 of them in our auditorium along with around 60 Bibles an...
God expects men to lead: Bible writers consistently refer to God as maleGod sent his Son through whom he created the worldGod fashioned the man first and the woman to help himThough Eve ate first, sin is traced through Adam – Romans 5:12-14All angels appear as maleGod addressed the Patriarchs rather than the MatriarchsAbraham was promised a son The 12 tribes “of Israel” were named of their fathers...
Six wonderful young people with diplomas, now ready to move on with life! Remember the three Little Pigs? Sure, you’ve heard the story. Three pigs leave home to go out into the world on their own. Each one builds a house; one of straw, one of sticks, one of bricks. When the wolf shows up the only house that is safe is the one made of bricks. Straw & sticks are cheap & quick. We like cheap & quick....
Well, he wasn’t my dad at the time, but a young serviceman who flew a B-17 over Europe, was shot down and spent the last months of the war in a POW camp. Many others did not fare so well. Following are a few of dad’s notes from his log regarding some of his friends and fellow airmen: “November 29th, 1944 - primary target Ensbruk – accurate flack - ship (aircraft) 6652 direct hit in bomb bay. None ...
If you met Jesus’ bride, what would you do for her? He bought her with his life and put his Spirit within her. To do her good is to do Him good. Those that love Jesus love His bride. Because of Jesus I count myself privileged to be in her presence, to serve her and protect her from those who would do her harm. Unity is her preservation. Jesus prayed for her unity as He was going to the cross in he...