Five Things Every Parent Can Do For Their Young Children

#1  Pray for your child and their future spouse  - use the passion you have for them as James says that the prayer of a righteous man does much good (5:16). Remember that they are God’s children too, and He wants to be a major player in their upbringing.  Invite Him often and passionately.  Cast all of your (parenting) cares on Him, because He cares for you, 1stPeter 5:7.

#2  Example the behavior you want them to have (otherwise you are a hypocrite) – Jesus told the apostles that since they had seen Him, they had seen the Father, John 14:9.  There should be a parallel with us, that when our children see us, they see a model of who they are to become.  Those who would bring up a child in the way that he should go, must first go that way themselves.

#3  Whether father or mother, love and respect the other – An old adage teaches that one of the best ways for a father to love his children is to love their mother. This is true, but do not miss the potential for good in children seeing their mother love and honor their father.  The first commandment of the original ten regarding our behavior towards our fellow human beings is that we honor our parents, Exodus 20 & Deuteronomy 5.  Our perceptive progeny will wonder, however,  why they should respect us if we do not respect each other. 

#4  Spend time with your children – It is difficult to have quality time without spending quantity time.  In fact, quality time is almost always found after sharing a large quantity of time.  Jesus spent a whole night in prayer with His Father, Luke 6:12. He spent three years with His apostles.  There is nothing we have or can provide that is more valuable to our children than our time.  If for whatever reason you are unable to spend time with them, never cheapen your relationship by trying to substitute your time with money or things.

#5  Teach them, train them – everything.  All the time.  Dt. 6:4-9!  Children need to learn how to do housework, yard work, mechanics, art, math, fishing, golf, cooking, baking, construction…. you name it!  Teach them what you know.  This will have the dual effect of giving your child the benefit of the teaching itself but also of helping them generate a love of learning.  Teaching them gives them a sense of competency that cannot be bought with any amount of money.  The time you spend in teaching them is the currency that expresses you evaluation of them.