Use Your Speech - Not just your vocabulary, but the
things you talk about, and especially the way you talk
about others. Refuse to be a source of gossip, or perhaps
even better, refuse to be an ear for it. Always speak as
positively as you can about others and this will make a
positive impression on those who hear you. Remember,
“if you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all” .
As the book says, “Let your speech always be with grace, as
though seasoned with salt” , Colossians 4:6.
Use Your Integrity - In every area of life, but especially in
business, be honest. Let the Spirit of Christ permeate all
of your financial affairs. Suffer loss for the sake of His
name rather than taking any unfair advantage of others just
to make a dime. Be exactly the man or woman of integrity
you would want to hire if you had a business of your own.
As the book says, “He who steals must steal no longer; but
rather he must labor, performing with his own hands what
is good, so that he will have something to share with one
who has need”, Ephesians 4:28.
Use Your Values - Live in such a way that you reflect an
appreciation for the deeper, more meaningful, spiritual aspects
of life. Refuse to be constantly busied by the shallow,
mundane, transient distractions this world has to offer.
As the book says, some may even be surprised that
you don’t run with them to do the things they do, 1st Peter
Use Your Worship - How would your neighbors assess your value of God by your interest
in learning His word and being with His people? Be so regular in not forsaking the
assembly of the saints that they know exactly where you will be three times a week.
Would you want those who see your present commitment to the Lord be compelled by
it to look into building their own relationship with Him? Jesus said that His Father is
looking for true worshipers, John 4:23. Let that describe you!
Use Your Family life - Be an active, positive member of your family. Let the whole
world see you nurturing, promoting and encouraging godly attitudes such as love, patience,
understanding, compassion, forbearance, and forgiveness towards members of
your family. Imagine your neighbors as the proverbial flies on the wall in your home and
let them see and hear things from you there that reflect the Spirit of Christ. Be a faithful,
loving and responsible husband or wife. The book says in regard to mere financial
matters, that those who do not provide for their own have denied the faith and are worse
than unbelievers, 1st Timothy 5:8. How much more must this be true in regard to
weightier, spiritual things?
Use Even Your Home - Does the appearance of your property reflect order and decency?
The book says that God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, and also that all
things should be done with decency and order, 1st Corinthians 14:33 & 40. As we see
order everywhere in the Lord’s universe, it seems that this same orderliness should be
exampled by our lives in as much as we can.