Should Christians Support the Death Penalty?

It is presently being questioned here in Oklahoma. The following is my view.

God destroyed the world with the great flood because of the violence of humanity, according to Genesis 6:5 & 11-13. We find the remains of the world that once was, now buried underneath us and encased mostly in the water-borne sediments that cover the planet. Deep and massive oil, gas and coal deposits world-wide are a lasting testimony to God’s judgment against evil.

At any rate, as soon as Noah and his family stepped off the ark, God told him that from that point on, anyone who committed murder was to be killed (Genesis 9:5-6). The plan was to put an end to evil violence with swift and just punishment.

Capital punishment was also incorporated into the Law God gave to the Israelites through Moses around 1500BC on Mount Sinai….. but they didn’t keep it. Solomon wrote: “Because the sentence against an evil deed is not executed quickly, therefore the hearts of the sons of men among them are given fully to do evil”,Ecclesiastes 8:11.

Today, God authorizes governments (even calling them his ministers) to “bear the sword” for the punishment of those who do evil according to Romans 13:1-6 &1st Peter 2:13-14. “Bearing the sword” is not figurative language, and governments were not to bear their sword “for nothing”.

In other words, swift and just punishment was the answer for evil behavior. If there is little or no punishment for evil, or if what punishment there is comes so long after the offense that society loses the connection, it is fruitless.

Is it possible that mistakes could be made and innocent people executed? Likely so. Problem is, innocent people are being murdered, raped and robbed every day right here in America by previously convicted criminals who fear no law and no punishment.

I believe capital punishment to be a necessary part of any justice system and completely authorized by Almighty God based on the above scriptures and more.

Just a note: God has never put civil punishment in the hands of the church. This authority is now strictly vested in human governments.