Jesus said that God is seeking those who will worship him in Spirit and in Truth (John 4:23-24). God’s Spirit is the source of all scripture, according to several passages such as 1st Corinthians 2:12-13:
“Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, so that we may know the things freely given to us by God, which thingswe also speak, not in words taught by human wisdom, but in those taught by the Spirit, combining spiritual thoughts with spiritual words”
If I approach the scriptures revealed by God’s Spirit to learn the “truth” about how I am supposed to worship as a New Testament Christian, what might I find?
There is no specific “book, chapter & verse” to go to that tells us specifically how a worship assembly is to be conducted. What I will find are examples of worship practices throughout the NT that shed light on what early Christians did with apparent apostolic approval. Of course there are some specific instructions as well. What can we find?
- First day of the week assemblies – Acts 20:7 & 1st Corinthians 16:1-2 indicate that the early Christians met on Sunday. The writings of early “church fathers” (Justin, Barnabas, Tertullian & others) bear witness to this practice as well.
- The Lord’s supper seems to have been the focal point. Jesus gave it to the apostles to be done “in remembrance of Me”, Luke 22:19. Acts 20:7 suggests that it was the specific purpose for which the saints met. 1st Corinthians 11:20-22 & 33 intimate the same.
- 1st Corinthians 14 informs us that there were prayers as well as songs offered that were to be understood by all present. Tongue speaking, interpretation of tongues, prophecy and revelation were once miraculous gifts that were a part of the assemblies as well. These ceased with the passing of those to whom they were given and the coming of the written word. The church was specifically taught to teach and admonish one another with Psalms, hymns and spiritual songs, Ephesians 5:19 & Colossians 3:16.
- Christians were taught to make planned offerings based on their prosperity according to 1st Corinthians 16:1-2, 2nd Corinthians 9:6-9 and also Galatians 6:6.
- Preaching/teaching (Acts 20:7), and the reading of the word as well as exhortations were also to be a part of the assemblies of the church according to Colossians 4:16, 1st Timothy 4:13 & 2nd Timothy 4:1-2.
God’s Spirit provided the truth. When we whole-heartedly follow that truth, we worship in Spirit.