Did Not See That Coming

The Egyptians are coming!  The Egyptians are coming!  What will we do!?  Oh look, God parted the sea for us and then brought the sea back again to destroy the Egyptian army.  Did not see that coming.

We are going to die of thirst in this desert!  God doesn’t care about us!  Oh look, God brought abundant water from a rock after having Moses strike it with his staff.  Did not see that coming.

We are going to starve in this wilderness!  God hates us!  Oh look, what is it on the ground?  It is food!  It is manna!  God does care.  Did not see that coming.

I am so sick of eating this manna God sent; I want meat!  Oh look, here come tons of quail flying in low enough to catch them by hand.  Free fresh poultry for supper tonight!  Did not see that coming.

The Midianites have taken everything.  Why has God allowed this?  Oh look, God sent just 300 guys with torches, broken pitchers and trumpets and caused the Midianites to defeat themselves in one night.  Did not see that coming. 

Who will save us from this giant Philistine!?  How could God allow this humiliation at the hands of our enemies!?  Oh look, a shepherd boy conked him in the head with just a sling-stone and laid him out cold.  Did not see that coming.

How will Naaman be cured of leprosy?  No one has ever been cured of leprosy.  Oh look, he dipped seven times in the Jordan exactly as God’s prophet Elisha told him to, and he came up clean.  Did not see that coming.

Who sinned that this fellow was born blind?  Oh look, Jesus put mud on his eyes and had him wash in the pool of Siloam.  The man can now see; but I did not see that coming.

How will we pay our taxes, since we don’t have the money?  Oh look, Jesus told Peter to go fishing, and the first fish he caught had the tax money in its mouth!  Did not see that coming.

How will I ever pay my debt of sin!  I am doomed to lose my soul!  Oh look, there is the son of God willingly dying a horrible death on the cross in my place.  He told them several times that he was going to do that, but they did not see it coming.

Woe is me.  How will I ever make it through today’s crisis?
