Be advised: Plans are being made to put state question #788 on the ballot for Oklahomans this summer, which would allow the medicinal use, possession and production of marijuana under certain provisions.
This article is not intended to tell you how to vote.
Of course we all want to provide anything we can medicinally to address the needs of those who are hurting; as long as what is provided does not make things worse.
A passage of scripture comes to mind:
To the pure, all things are pure, but to those who are defiled and unbelieving, nothing is pure, but both their mind and their conscience are defiled.
- Titus 1:15
My assumption is that since God made marijuana, there must be some legitimate use for the plant. While I doubt that getting high is any part of His purpose, I also know that even aspirin is made from the same salicylic acid He has put in willow bark.
While the pure minded will seek a pure use, experience tells us that if there is a way to abuse a gift, some folks will exploit it to its fullest extent.
This vote will show what we, the people of Oklahoma, collectively choose to approve as appropriate behavior. Some say you cannot legislate morality, but that begs the question. The purpose of government is not to define morality, but to approve of behavior (as per Romans 13:1-7).
Please disregard any economic argument. The money to be made through marijuana commerce and taxation must not affect decisions that should be made on the basis of a Godly moral view. If there is profit to be made, that is well and good as long as we make a decision for marijuana’s use as we believe God would make it. Otherwise, we go counter to scripture, “doing evil that good may come” (Romans 3:8).
With regard to state question #788, what would Jesus do?