Just Simple Logic, Really

Jesus said he would send the Holy Spirit to the apostles to…

Teach them all things (John 14:26)

Enable them to remember what he had taught them

Guide them into all truth (John 16:13)

Glorify Jesus in doing so

This means that when the apostles and New Testament prophets wrote down what the Holy Spirit gave them, they were recording all of the truth into which Jesus wanted them guided. When we read the New Testament, therefore, we are simply reading precisely what our Lord wanted us to have to perpetuate discipleship in him.

Since the Holy Spirit glorified Jesus by teaching the apostles what he received from him, do we not glorify Jesus when we follow what the Holy Spirit lead the apostles into?

Does it not follow that even in the least way in which the Holy Spirit revealed Jesus’ will, we glorify him by following these “slightest” indications of his revealed will in careful, loving preference to any guidance, pattern or “wisdom” we might find elsewhere?

In everything, therefore, should we not look for and hold faithfully to every detail Jesus provided us through the Holy Spirit? This simple practice answers so many questions we have about how to be his disciples, from the “great” to the “small."

  • How to be saved, is there.
  • How to treat one another is there.
  • How to worship is there.
  • His promises are there.

Everything is right there, providing all the guidance and authority we will ever need.

It really is the New Testament of Jesus, our Lord and Christ.