What’s so Great About Prayer?  Read on!

Most encouraging thing about prayer – it works, or rather God works when we pray and Jesus said so (Matthew’s gospel 7:7-11).

Easiest thing about prayer – it need not be long. The prayer Jesus used as an example of prayer in the sermon on the mount is only 58 words long in some translations.

Most convenient thing about prayer – God is always ready to hear from me as if he were always just right there next to me (because he is always with us Psalm 139:7-12).

Most profound thing about prayer – God’s Holy Spirit intercedes in our prayers with groanings that cannot be uttered, and he does it because we don’t know how to pray as we ought (Romans 8:26).

Most challenging thing about prayer – praying for those I don’t like. But Jesus says there is no better way to be like God (Matthew’s gospel 5:43-48).

Most “faith-demanding” thing about prayer – to pray like Jesus in the garden, that God’s will be done and not his, even if God’s will is extremely scary and difficult (Matthew’s gospel 26:39-42).

Most honest thing about prayer – we can pour our souls out to the Lord, and it need not be eloquent or even accurate, just what is on your heart to tell him (1st Samuel 1:15).

Most intimate thing about prayer – Jesus said when we prayed, we should go into our closets and shut the door. God will meet with us there (Matthew’s gospel 6:6).

Most accommodating thing about prayer – God will hear me even if I am angry and upset and utterly wrong in my thinking about how things are (Habakkuk 1:2-3 & 12-17).

Most comforting thing about prayer – praying with thanksgiving in our hearts results in a peace that defies explanation or understanding (Philippians 4:6-7).

Most relieving thing about prayer – God already knows what I need, so being provided for is not dependent upon my awareness or ability to articulate anything (Matthew’s gospel 6:7-8).

Most beautiful concept of prayer – it is like the incense of God’s choosing rising before him in his favorite aroma (Revelation 5:8 & 8:3-5).