The Queen is Gone

I was a little surprised at myself at how sad the news of her parting made me feel. More puzzling, is that I am having a hard time putting it into words as to exactly why losing her saddens me like it does. Already I feel as though we will miss her greatly.

Of one thing I am certain, her behavior demanded our respect. She bore the unique burden of royal leadership with such grace and dignity, always putting the needs of her country before any personal interests she may have had. Though a monarch, her image in my mind is one of consistent and steadfast service, respect for order and the traditions of order, to say nothing of holding the line against the evils of the world. She certainly set a noble example.

It causes me to wonder if when I am gone, there will be anyone surprised at how sad my passing will make them. Is the impact of my life making a difference in that of others? Is anyone having an easier time making it in this world because of me? Am I a helpful influence for good? Can others see that I also stand for something noble and worthy?

I am encouraged that if the fruit of the Spirit of God is evident in me, love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control; my life will make the best possible difference. After all, James wrote that if I love others as I love myself, I am fulfilling the “royal law.” What more could a commoner hope for?