Lessons From a Tree

The tree pictured is a desert willow, planted many years ago in one of the islands in our parking lot here at the church building. I am amazed it is still in such good shape.

More than one ice storm has ravaged its limbs and broken off an uppermost portion of the trunk. I suspect it was some of our little ones who’ve broken off many of the lower limbs from time to time. A large hole was bored into the western face of the tree and was apparently the nesting place for some creature or creatures.

Yet the tree remains…. And flourishes even during a drought as you see here with beautiful, fragrant blossoms abounding. It is a blessing to all who see it, and all whose olfactory lobes are still working. You see, this little island where the tree was planted also has a single sprinkler head that provides a life sustaining flow of water for the tree. It is as the ancient poet wrote:

He will be like a tree firmly planted by streams of water,
which yields its fruit in its season
and its leaf does not wither;
and in whatever he does, he prospers.
- Psalm 1:3

David wrote this about 3,000 years ago and its truth is just as fresh and alive as it was in his day.

But who was he writing about? He was telling us about the man, any man, who made the Law of the Lord his delight. Such a man, David said, would be both abiding and abounding.

Man, woman, young man, young woman, whoever you may be, this tree is showing us the way.