My Dad Came Home

Well, he wasn’t my dad at the time, but a young serviceman who flew a B-17 over Europe, was shot down and spent the last months of the war in a POW camp. Many others did not fare so well. Following are a few of dad’s notes from his log regarding some of his friends and fellow airmen:

“November 29th, 1944 - primary target Ensbruk – accurate flack - ship (aircraft) 6652 direct hit in bomb bay. None got out” 

“December 2nd, 1944 – clear day – my armament gunner is missing in action as of today” 

“December 3rd, 1944 – flew gunnery mission – six men picked up by British corvette, two dead – A.G. still missing” 

“29 December 1944 – My navigator A.J. Frechette went down today. None of my original crew left” 

“February 1st, 1945 – bombed Moosebeerbomb – 90 guns (flak) squadron was shot to pieces. Lost lead ship 736 with Lt. Dick & Major Muskus, C.O – ship 100 either went to Russia or bailed out - waist gunner Botteroff was in 100” 

“February 7th, 1945 – Fischer DeCrema & Fish went down over I.P. – tent sure is getting vacant” 

This piece is just a reminder that Memorial Day is for those who did not come home, from this war and all wars. 

Jesus said, “Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends”, John’s gospel 15:13. 

In a very real way, those we honor on Memorial day were following in the footsteps of God’s own Son. We do well to honor their sacrifice.