For Members Eyes Only

One of the most obvious places where our devotion to Jesus should be apparent is our place of worship & Bible study.

Well over two hundred of us meet here and we have several meetings each week. Things can get messy, but you & I can easily do something about that.

“Somebody” needs to put my songbook back in the rack. There are upwards of 170 of them in our auditorium along with around 60 Bibles and several tissue boxes that also need to be put back where they belong. Oh hey, I can do that after I use them. Easy squeezy.

We have 27 trash cans, 16 toilets & 10 sinks all needing attention, so we can “pay attention” to what we leave in our wake. Prayer request cards, attendance cards, contribution envelopes & pens too all need to be put back in place.

Someone else will clean and put away the dirty dish I leave out in the kitchen unless I do it as I should. That drink I let splash on the floor will leave a sticky spot that will become a chore for someone else unless I take responsibility. Gum wrappers & used Kleenex should go in my pocket rather than be left where I sat. More easy stuff that makes a difference.

It's just that I believe Jesus would clean up after himself and so I love when I see us doing it as well. Isn’t that the golden rule too?

By the way….. the above certainly applies to Christians using a place of worship, but shouldn’t the same be our practice every where we go? Servers in restaurants, ushers in theatres, janitors, cleaning ladies, and everyone tasked with cleaning up after others should be overjoyed to see us coming because they know we will behave responsibly and respectfully.

As David was finishing the 23rd Psalm, he wrote, “Surely goodness & mercy will follow me all the days of my life”. So yes, it is a good thing for each of us to leave the influence of Jesus in our very tracks.

Thanks for hearing me out.