Do I Enjoy Being a Follower of Jesus?

What is there about my life that would make Jesus seem attractive to other people?

Can we offer them a smile, perhaps? Never underestimate the impact of a smile. Jesus told his apostles to be of good cheer (John 16:33) even in the face of trouble. If we do not have reason to smile because of Jesus, who does?

Sure, this world has plenty of troubles and it shares them generously with you & me. But we are only passing through here on our way to the home Jesus has prepared for us, so why not smile about that while on the way? Let others see that your reason for living in hope transcends this place. Joy is not dependent on the things of this world, but on having a connection with the God who rules over all things here and in heaven. Jesus made that happen.

Have I learned to be content in every situation like Jesus’ apostle wrote in his letter to the Philippian church (4:10-13)? Some folks are just determined to be miserable, and they complain so much you hate to see them coming. But in this same letter we read that to forego grumbling is to prove ourselves to be children of God while we are right smack in the middle of a dark & perverse generation. That’s where lights are needed the most!

So what kind of a walking, talking advertisement can I be for Jesus?

Live your faith. Let the Spirit of God bring forth in you all of its wonderful fruit: LOVE! JOY! PEACE! PATIENCE! KINDNESS! GOODNESS! FAITHFULNESS! GENTLENESS! SELF-CONTROL & ALL SUCH THINGS AS THESE!

Yes, I used exclamation points after each one, because these things need to be exclaimed to the world. You & I can do that, and in fact this is the only way it will happen, is when you & I make it happen.

So smile, count your blessings, be grateful, give thanks & show the love of God to everyone you meet.

If you do these things, you will most certainly enjoy following Jesus.