We Are Not Home Yet

Your life here will never be completely right.

Disease and sickness will persist. Natural disasters will not be brought under control. People will continue to be weak in character and morals and strong on self-will and ego. Loved ones will die and friends will disappoint. Sometimes, we will be the ones who disappoint, even when it is not our intention.

No matter. Actually, it is only in facing trouble that we become strong. In our flawed condition, a problem-free world would breed weaklings in body and soul. Folks in Noah’s day lived hundreds of years. Instead of becoming more Godly with age, they just became more and more depraved.

Jesus did not come to set the world right or to give his followers a life of ease. He came to provide an escape from this world. Utopia was never his plan. So since trouble is the order of the day here, he overcame this world and its troubles and showed us that through him, we could also overcome and have peace (John 16:25-33). Like his apostle wrote, our faith is our victory, 1st John 5:4.

Rather than trying to fix the world or even ourselves, Jesus taught us to take up the cross every single day, die to self (Luke 9:23-26) and gain life in the process.

In short, rather than looking for satisfaction here, look for it where
Jesus sits at the right hand of the father. Lay up your treasure there as he taught us, and don’t put too much stock in the accolades of this world.

There is something much better coming.