How to Test the Waters

What do you believe about Jesus? (Are you ready to meet him someday?)

How are you and the Lord doing?

Where do you “go to church”?

Do you read the Bible? Do you believe what it says about the resurrection?

Do you believe there is a day of judgment coming?

Do you believe in life after death?

Do you believe this life is all there is?

Do you believe you will be with God when you die?

What do you believe eternity is?

I heard something in Bible class….. (listen for things in Bible class you can use)

I read something in the Bible….. (read the Bible looking for things of possible interest)

Do you believe that you are saved? (If “yes”, ask them to expound on that)

What do you want your children/grandchildren to believe about God?

Try to think of questions that would interest you, and use those to start reaching out to others with the gospel of Jesus. Remember, even God cannot bless an effort we do not make. Try talking to someone today!