"But This Is The 21st Century," Some Say.

And they are right, it is the 21st Century. We have 21st Century crime...This is no time to make excuses and allowances for sin. This is a time to make everyone accountable for their actions just as God says we will be in judgment. Besides, if we’re so advanced in the 21st Century, why haven’t we overcome such vice in our society? Nope, if there was ever a time when we must hold people responsible for their own sin, this is it.

We have 21st Century unisexism...Instead of having simply men and women as God originally made us all, we have women acting and dressing like men and men dressing and acting like women. We now have transsexuals, bisexuals, and homosexuals, too. Nope, if there was ever a need for the church to reestablish and reaffirm original male and female roles, this is it.

We have the 21st Century’s promiscuity...It comes fully equipped with its cheapened view of human sexuality and ugly consequences of unwed pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases, abuse and shame. Don’t want none of that! Nope, if there was ever a time for Christians to be shining examples of purity, chastity and strong moral fiber, this is it.

We have the 21st Century’s condescending view of “organized religion”...The world needs to see Christ’s church with its shepherds, deacons, evangelists and members all at work. If there was ever a time to call people back to the “old paths,” that is to the original and effective organization and function of the church, this is it.

We have the 21st Century’s popular music, much of which reflects and even encourages violence, vice and immorality...If there was ever a time for the church to call the world back to pure, spiritual, a cappella worship, this is it.

We have the 21st Century’s disregard for the sanctity of marriage and the home...Divorce, rather than being a shame, is a symbol of status for some people. Others who’ve made vows to another and brought children into this world seem more than willing to step out of the picture if things get rough. If there was ever a time to call people back to “If any provide not for his own” and “let not man put asunder”, this is it.

We have the 21st Century’s moral/ethical fiber...The new code of behavior (which isn’t new at all) says, “Forget the limitations, do what works for you and forget everyone else. If there was ever a time to call people back to real religion which demands us to adhere to the divine code of morality and ethics in every situation, this is it.

Please don’t suggest to anyone that they need to give up the ways of God that have always done them good, so that they might embrace the hellish ways of the 21st Century. The “In crowd” of today will be the “In trouble crowd” of tomorrow. The sad condition of our nation today is due to the fact that so many listened to those who once said, “It’s the 70’s, 80’s, or 90’s.”